Quilox nightclub addresses MI's tweets

Earlier today, MI took to twitter to write that he was disrespected at Quilox nightclub (see that here ). The management of the club have now released a statement explaining their side of the story. Find their press statement below... The recent tweets by Rapper MI has come to our attention and we found it necessary to address the issue. Quilox had a contract with Live&Unplugged on February 28th between 10pm-12am. Live&Unplugged contracted M.I as their artist for the night. At 12am on the said day, M.I was still performing and majority of our customers were complaining and demanding the DJ as we had other events planned for the night. In the process, some customers left. However, the management honoured M.I's presence by giving him an additional 30mins and informed his management that he would need to stop at exactly 12.30am . At 12.34am , he was still playing. Our management at this point was force...