Netflix debuts in 130 Countries including Nigeria

On Wednesday 6th of January, Netflix, a subscription-based film and television program rental service that offers media to subscribers via Internet streaming and via US mail, debuted in 130 countries including Azerbaijan, India, Vietnam, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, Saudia Arabia, South Korea, Singapore, Turkey and Indonesia amongst others. Netflix will not yet be available in China, though the company continues to explore options for providing the service. It also won’t be available in Crimea, North Korea and Syria due to U.S. government restrictions on American companies. Netflix is simply a means through which one can watch various tv series, movies depending on the availability in your location. Netflix can be assesed by virtually any internet enabled device. With this new development in the 130 Countries, those that have experience using Netflix in a streaming Country back then and movie/tv series lovers, couples (Netflix and Chill) will be very happy a...