'I had a scary dream about Donald Trump, he was so mean’: Muslim child tells parent ahead of U.S election

A Donald Trump non-supporter published a very interesting story about the harsh times Muslim parents face with their children in New York DailyTimes, due to fear of a possibility of them being 'deported' out of the U.S if Donald Trump emerges president. Donald Trump has made the implementation of a deportation task force and temporary Muslim immigration ban a major rhetoric during his presidential campaign. Read the interesting report/story after the cut. Bilal Elcharfa was pouring cereal for his children before school this month when his 7-year-old daughter, Maaria, walked into the kitchen, calling for him. “Baba, I had a scary dream,” she said, hugging him tight. “About Donald Trump.” It was the morning after the second presidential debate, which the Elcharfa family’s two youngest daughters watched in the basement of their Staten Island home with their parents. In the middle of the night, Maaria went to her parents’ room twice, unable to sleep, and walked...