For the first time in more than a century, a woman will finally get space on the nation’s paper currency but she may have to share it with a man. The $10 bill, up for a redesign in 2020, will feature a female face, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced Wednesday. He’s also considering keeping Alexander Hamilton, the current resident of the bill and the nation’s first Treasury secretary, on some of the notes. The decision to change the ten-spot came as feminist groups have been pushing for a woman on the currency in 2020 to mark the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. Sharing space with Hamilton who not only conceived the nation’s financial system but also served as a protagonist in the nation’s first sex scandal wasn’t exactly what they had in mind. A nonprofit organization, Women On 20s (Slogan: “A woman’s place is on the money”), has been campaigning instead to get rid of Andrew Jackson, the nation’s seventh president, whose face appe...