Recessions Bow to Solutions Not Complaints By Reno Omokri

Just on Wednesday the 28th of September, 2016, the World Economic Forum released its Global Competitiveness Report and whereas a number of African nations like Kenya (of whom we are very quick to compare ourselves positively) improved in the Global Competitiveness Index rankings, Nigeria slipped three places and is now ranked 127 out of 138 nations. To put it murky, only 11 nations (many of them war torn) are worse than Nigeria in terms of doing business! Two years ago Nigeria was Africa's fastest growing economy. Today, she does not even feature in Africa's top ten most competitive nations! But when you point these out, the response is to blame Goodluck Jonathan under whom our economy blossomed like never before. When you waste 16 months playing the blame game should you be surprised that investors are playing the disappearing game and running away from your economy? And what has been the result? A recession. Now, the thing is that rather than face the recession frontally...