Does Lil Wayne have cancer?
Does Lil Wayne have cancer? After the last attack of Lil Wayne, we can briefly summarize that codeine has already affected the hip-hop culture and why its systematic use can be your biggest mistake in life. Is Lil Wayne ill right now? We’ll find out right now! In summer it became known that a private jet of Lil Wayne was forced to land because the actor suddenly had an attack. When the plane took off for the second time, the rapper became ill again, after which he was taken to the hospital. Does Lil Wayne have cancer? Fortunately for Wayne, for the umpteenth time, everything ended well. However, the cause of such health problems is very simple - the use of codeine preparations. Syrup, lin, purple drink - call it what you want - this drink had not very positive effect on hip-hop after it appeared in the south. Yes, over the years it has already become a part of the culture, and a lot of songs were written not only by the rappers – there were hundreds of them. However, it...