Hudayya Fadoul Abacha covers July edition of BMPro (photos)

BMPro creator and renowned Make Up artiste Banke Meshida writes; "Entering the Hudayya Bridal Emporium one is welcome with luxurious smells of Opulence, Lush Fabrics and Elegant Mannequins Lining the hallways. You immediately feel welcome and are transported back to the Emirates, with the plush carpeting and beautifully lined shimmering walls. Hudayya glides toward me in her flowing Abayya and im engulfed in a tight warm Hug, excitedly chattering and laughing as she greets me warmly. Her accented English is Captivating and so are her doe eyes that let you know pointedly she knows exactly what to create to make you the belle of the ball! Huda, as she is fondly called, leads me into her Bridal Consultation room, a plushly carpeted room (shoes off please) where we plonk onto the floor, and talk about Everything! –how she started sewing, why, and her hopes and aspirations. This room makes you not want to leave and we stay there for hours!. A few brides ...