Boy Suddenly Stopped Eating 1 Year Ago, Doctors Can't Help

All of a sudden a 12-year-old US boy stopped eating a year ago, and numerous doctors failed to identify what he is suffering from.
Landon Jones
Landon Jones stopped eating a year ago. Credit: The Register
Landon Jones changed overnight and his appetite disappeared hours after he had eaten a delicious pizza and a bowl of ice cream.
He woke up October 14, 2013 to realize that he was not feeling either hungry or thirsty any longer, Daily Mail reports with reference to The Des Moines Register.
Landon, who used to be an active child, started suffering from dizziness throughout the whole day.
Shocked parents Michael and Debbie have consulted scores of doctors to figure out the problem, they have taken him to 5 different American cities with top diagnostics departments. It yielded no tangible results as medics failed to find the cause.
Landon has lost weight from 47 kg to 30 kg in a year, and he continues losing about a kilo every week. The situation already seriously jeopardizes his life.
Landon’s parents try hard to encourage their son to eat, but all he manages is a bite of a sandwich at lunch and a few crisps.
According to medics of  Mayo Clinic in Rochester , the boy’s illness might the first case of its kind recorded worldwide.
The teenager has missed 65 days of school and his school life generally is far from being enjoyable, as he cannot play with his classmates dues to constant weakness.
To stop the process it might be necessary to insert a feeding tube soon to nourish Landon directly through the stomach.
One of the hypothesis suggests that the rare condition is connected with hypothalamus malfunctioning. Another expert believes the cause might lie in treatment he received 3 years ago for absence seizures, which was Depakote drug taken for 1 year.
The most famous case of VOLUNTARY food rejection is observed in India.
A holy man named Prahlad Jani is believed to have spent more than 70 years without eating and drinking after having  undergone a religious experience at the age of 11.
Prahlad Jani
Prahlad Jani has not had food and water for more than 70 years

He has been subjected to several strict studies for the scientists to see if he really deprives himself completely of food and water. He easily went through all the tests, and his body turned out to be a mystery for the doctors. Worth mentioning, that the Indian is currently 85.

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