Truth Behind the Unidentified Creature Image

A photo that has gone viral around the internet of an unidentified sea monster has finally been revealed. This serpentine like creature as many people had speculated was indeed a photo-shop and now we have the original image and a comment by the creator of it.
**Scroll Down for Image Comparisons**



         Truth Behind the Unidentified Creature Image

“I actually created this image to accomany an article about sea serpents that I wrote for a blog page a few years ago. It was never intended to appear ‘real’, just to be fun. Some people here have said that the mouth is ‘obviously’ fake.
The mouth and teeth are actually real, and part of the deep-sea fish that I incorporated into the original shot, which was of some fishermen pulling in a net. Some other people have said that the head is connected to a real log on the beach, but the whole body is drawn in. Still, I’m pleased that it seems to have interested quite a few people.”

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