STORY: Computer Lesson

Last night as I came back from work, tired as I was, she was by the doorstep like she had planned it all along. She knew the scripts and acted along very well. As usual of me being the quiet type, we had exchanged pleasantries and eye contacts, my dirty mind imagining all the very sexual things I could do with that petite sumptuous body of hers, I knew she was in heat but the fact that she was staying with her overbearing brother who doted on every step she took made life frustrating and miserable for her. The chill breeze from my windows was soothing as I lay on the bed; my mind was adrift, floating on thoughts so erotic, I could feel my manhood spring to action. I was horny and I wanted to get laid. But as much as I tried to remove my mind from the object of my erotic fantasies, her image kept flashing over and over again. The signals she sent strong like pheromones were too much to be ignored. She was new in the neighbourhood, and I was the silent killer, stealthy as a cat, deadly as the lion, I knew what she wanted, all I had to do was wait for the right time. I did not have to wait long.

I had my own ways with the brother as I am a techie kind of guy, the kind you would call to fix all your electronic, hardware and software problem, in-fact, I was his right hand man so much so that he did not notice the coded messages I passed to his sister and to make matters easier or should I say worse, he had asked me on several occasions before she even arrived to help her out with computer lessons anytime I was chanced. At first I had delayed, the fact that she was beautiful and he was my friends also complicated matters, so when she approached me with the same proposal on computer things, my joystick could only nod in affirmation considering the prospects that anything could happen. As I lay on the bed listening to the cool music from my computer system blast away, I was sure I heard a knock on the door. Initially I took my time until the knock persisted in a soft kind of way. This was no ordinary knock so when I opened the door, I was not surprised to see her, to say the truth, I was expecting her so sooner because it had been a week since she had arrived Abuja, and with the look in her eyes, I thought it wise to let her in. She came in and sat in front of my computer system, toying with the mouse and clicking on the icons of the desktop. I asked about her brother and she told me that he had travelled previously in the day and won’t be back till Monday. So while he was away, she wanted to use the opportunity and take some extra computer lessons. Feeling like a professor of computer science, I asked her if she had any previous knowledge of computer operations to which she replied negative. Previous experience had taught me that it was better to start from the beginning so as to create that calm and serene atmosphere between a teacher and student, one of trust and obedience. So while the music was still playing, I went on to introduce her to the various computer system parts, interfaces and component. As we progressed into the lesson, I noticed that she was not paying attention to what I was saying; she seemed a bit distant not interested in what I was saying. I asked her what the problem was to which she replied that all what I had said so far was confusing to her, she was lost as to my explanation and would want a more practical approach. My mind told me that this was the clue I had been waiting for all along and so I told her to consider herself as the computer system, First a computer system is able to accept data, process it, be able to store it as well as give out information, to balance this theory, I told her she could accept, information, think and store as well as say how she feels, that is how the computer system also reacts, I could see her face light up at that prospect, then I proceeded to tell her about the output, input processing and storage parts of the computer and in so doing I began using her body parts as examples to which she did not object. First were her eyes which I likened to the PC camera, scanner, and then I told her she had beautiful eyes, I could see a smile build up in her face. She was more relaxed now as I placed my hands on her shoulders and told her brain was like the CPU of the computer which is able to process how she feels at any point in time and determine what action should be taken such as when you key in data to the computer and allow it to process. She was excited as I could tell which encouraged me further. I reckoned that if I kept it up, I could finally score her tonight. I likened her breasts to the mouse which can be used to either right click or left click to which she objected and preferred I called them her software, and believe me before you could say jack Robinson, she had removed the laces which revealed the most succulent set of nipples I had seen in most recent times, they were erect, they were taut and they were begging to be sucked. 

I swallowed my saliva like five times and by the sixth time, I was all over those breasts nibbling them, sucking them, one after the other, breast after breast till they were sore and turned red as she was fair in complexion. The lesson had truly graduated to a more practical session and no further explanations were needed. She was no novice as far as I could tell because she responded expertly to my every touch and her moans made me prod for more of that beautiful body. With my tongue still on her breast, my hands began to travel all over her body slowly and gently at the same time my attention shifting from her breast down to her navel, she moaned again and again and spread her legs wide as if she wanted my external USB hard disk plugged into her USB port. I was in no hurry as her brother was out of town. All I wanted was to give her some good loving, the kind that would make her come back for more. We kissed passionately as she held me close and close and we helped each other out of our clothing as the kissing became more intense. 
From her eyes, earlobes, lips, tongue, navel and all over her body slow passionate kisses, soft touches as I kneaded her breasts again and again until finally I settled at her valley of production. I called it her printer port. She was already flowing wet juices that I had to drink to my fill as I sucked her slowly at first rubbing her clit with my tongue, cycling them as I teased her, she was swollen and pink and she was dripping pure juice. Slowly I slid one in one finger and began to thrust gradually building up the tempo and a steady momentum, then two fingers and three fingers as I fisted her fast, her moans of pleasure urging me on as she thrashed wildly on the bed, she spread her legs wide as I inserted all five fingers inside her glory hole and continued finger fucking her till her cunt allowed my whole fist inside her wet pussy slowly thrusting in and out until she asked me to do it fast and faster and faster. She was wild, but I was determined to tame her now or never as my joy stick also get a lot of attention from her soft hands and sweet mouth, the pleasures being she gave me while she sucked my cock and rubbed my cock-balls till I shot my cum deep in her mouth. It was heavenly. It was peaceful. That was the beginning of a more blissful night as we had a lot of formatting and installations last night that by the time it I ready for work, I was sure her operating system had been upgraded to windows 8, I was as drained as a battery but it was worth it, she was sound asleep as I left the house this morning and on my way to the office, her brother called me asked me to take good care of her while he was away, I did not want to ask him what he meant but I guess he should know that its almost closing time now and am in a hurry to get back home and continue from where we stopped last night. Hopefully I may convince her to give me some shots of her beautiful body. 

If I succeed with that then you guys can also cap a feel of this beauty but if not, I guess my sexcapade would have to do for now. This night na fvcking things….. 

*****THE END***** - 

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