Hilarious birthday note from parents to their 20yr old son

When Yuma Hasegawa turned 20, his parents gave him a festive-looking envelope saying their duties are finished now he was an adult. The hilarious letter, written in Japanese, read;
"Happy 20th Birthday!
Notice of Expiration of Child-Rearing Services
As of October 4, 2015, your father, Yoshikazu Hasegawa, and mother, Chiaki Hasegawa, have completed their duties of raising their child: you, Yuma Hasegawa.
Going forward, please become a proper and responsible member of society... like your father and mother.
In addition, should you continue living in the Hasegawa family home, please make a monthly payment of 20,000 yen (£110) for rent, utility and grocery expenses. 
Also, please be aware that should you ask for a loan from your parents, interest will be charged.
Points to note upon reaching the age of 20:
– You must make compulsory national pension payments. If you put this off it will cause problems, so make the payments.

– Should you commit a crime, your face and name can now be shown on television and in newspapers. You will also have a permanent criminal record.

– You can now buy alcohol and tobacco products. Do not drive while intoxicated.
– You can get married without your parents' permission. However, they may not emotionally accept your wife as their daughter-in-law if you don't discuss the situation without them beforehand.
– Think responsibly about the future and set aside an adequate amount of savings from the money you earn.
Please enjoy your life as an adult.'

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