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CBB's Jeremy McConnell is a FAKE as Mr Ireland lie is exposed by organisers

Celebrity Big Brother star Jeremy McConnell was famous for being Mr Ireland - but apparently it wasn't the case

Jeremy McConnell
Celebrity Big Brother’s Jeremy McConnell has just been exposed as a liar. He was never Mr Ireland.
Even though Jeremy has been called Mr Ireland in his CBB VT, it was never actually a thing.
In a cringeworthy spin in Jeremy’s CBB tale, the model’s title has been exposed as fake by the organisers of the contest.
Oh the shame.
In a statement to RSVP magazine, they said: "Jeremy never held the title of Mr Ireland or represented Ireland at any event.
Did Jeremy McConnell tell porkies to get in CBB?
They added: "He was a finalist in late 2012 which saw Mr Limerick Leo Delaney win the title and represent Ireland at Mr World 2013. Leo placed a very impressive 1st runner up at the event.”
Representatives from Celebrity Big Brother have said that Jeremy listed Mr Ireland on his CV, which is why he made it into the house.
Mr Ireland champions in the past have been listed as Padraig Hearns, Simon Hales, Kamal Ibrahim, Leo Delaney and its current title-holder Karl Bowe.
The organisers suggest that either a mistake was made or it was a little fib that was spun to put Jeremy on the map and make him a “celebrity”.
The REAL Mr Ireland Leo Delaney with Jeremy McConnell
They added: "We are always delighted to see our finalists with both events moving ahead with their career and we wish him well but we did want to highlight this fact once again that he was not a former Mr Ireland."
A representative for Jeremy has claimed he has never said he was Mr Ireland.
"As far as I am aware he did win Mr Dublin and was a finalist in Mr Ireland, maybe that’s where the confusion has arisen but certainly not from any claim Jeremy has made," they told Mirror Celebs.
On their Facebook group, Mr Ireland organisers previously wished Jeremy the best of luck for his time in the CBB house.
Meanwhile, Jeremy's pal has been boasting about the Celebrity Big Brother star's between-the-sheets action at home
Roommate Ray Quinlan has dished on Jeremy’s bedroom antics, revealing their “paper-thin” walls means that he can’t escape what goes down in their house.
Ray told heat that Jeremy keeps a tally of their conquests, and insisted that the reality star is nearing the 1,000 milestone.
His buddy backed him up over the size of his manhood, by confirming the ’10-inch’ claim.
“I see him naked all the time, he’s proud of his body. He’s not lying when he says he’s 10 inches. He’s a big lad,” he said.
But while Jeremy has been having some fun, things nearly took a scary turn when a girl rushed herself to the hospital after a night of x-rated fun.
“One girl ended up messaging him the next day from A&E thinking he’d ruptured her appendix,” Ray claimed.
“She was OK, it was just a strain or something.”

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