Re: Writer recounts assasination attempt in Ikoyi...the real story is even scarier!

Yesterday, I shared an eyewitness account of an alleged assassination attempt on Kingsway road, Ikoyi. (Read here) But according to a friend of the victim, it wasn't an assassination's even scarier. It was armed robbery in traffic in Ikoyi. I say this is scarier because with an assassination attempt, you know that they are targeting a particular person but armed robbery means anyone can be a victim. To be shot at by 1pm in broad day light in Lagos traffic is incredibly scary. Read the man's version of events after the cut...

I read the above captioned ‎ story on your blog today and i want to correct the story.

First, it was not an assassination attempt, is was a case of traffic robbery. The same news you have carried over and over for months but our present Governor doesn't seem to have a clue on how to arrest this menace.

My friend was driving in from Dolphin Estate on Alfred Rewane Road (Former Kingsway Road), when he got to the traffic light around Golden Gate Restaurant. There was the usually heavy traffic on the road at that time (1:30pm) and he was waiting for the light to turn green. All of a sudden, he noticed a boy walk up to the car in front of him (a black Toyota Prado) and he thought it was a beggar. But when the guy got to his car ( A white coloured Land Rover LR4 and not bullet proof as stated by the writer), he noticed the guy had a gun.

The robber wanted his Rolex watch, wallet and phones but luckily for him, the light turned green and the cars ahead moved so he drove off. It was in the process of driving off that the robber shot at him. The bullet pieced the car, missed his torso but went through his hand (miraculously).

Anyway, to cut story short, he is presently admitted in a hospital where he underwent a successful surgery last night to treat his bullet wound on the right hand.

Now we have continuously read about these street robberies and often times in places that we don't usually go to and i know people who have commented that God help them. But with this occurring on Alfred Rewane at 1:30pm in the afternoon at the peak of Lagos traffic, then you can see the chill it runs up one's spine. 

I hope a rich man ( we call them Big Man here) or a big man's child doesn't get killed or maimed first before they decide to do something about all this traffic robberies.

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