OMG!!! Meet The Fattest Woman Alive, She Is Bedridden And Has Not Left Her House In 25 Years!! (Must See Photos)


An Egyptian woman is believed to be the fattest woman on the planet afterher weight ballooned to 79 stone.
Iman Ahmad Abdulati, 36, has not left her home for 25 years because of her weight problem.
She needs help going to the toilet as she can no longer walk there herself.
ccording to El Arabiya, Iman was born weighing a staggering five kilograms.
She was diagnosed with elephantiasis – a parasitic infection that causes extreme swelling in a person’s limbs and arms.
Her family believe she suffered a stroke at the age of 11 which left her bedridden and piling on weight. After years of desperate attempts to deal with the issue, her sister Chaymaa’ Ahmad Abdulati has now gone public with the problem in the hope of getting help.
Iman currently lives in the family home with her sister and mother.


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