Beyonce's mom said she accidentally 'liked' insult about JHud on Instagram

Though Chicagoan Jennifer Hudson andBeyonce recently put to rest rumors of strife between them, there's new drama on that front.

Beyonce's mom, Tina Knowles-Lawson, apologized this week for "liking" an insult on Instagram about Hudson's singing.

"I am writing this commentary for Jennifer Hudson and not for the evil mean people that are making this into a social media ugly thing," Knowles-Lawson wrote on Instagram. "I've known Jennifer Hudson for many years and have totally been in admiration of her talent and beauty and kindness. I would never, ever say anything negative about her or agree with anything negative!"

Knowles-Lawson said she accidentally liked a comment from a social media user who wrote "JHud sounds horrible" on a post of a video of Beyonce performing with Hudson and fellow "Dreamgirls" co-star Anika Noni Rose at the 2007 Academy Awards.

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