This 1 month old baby weighs 6.4KG, the cute guy is bigger than a 2-year-old (photos)

A one month old baby boy weighing 14lbs (6.4kg) has been nicknamed after the strongest Marvel Avenger ‘The Incredible Hulk’ because he is already as big as a 2-year-old.
baby weighs 6.4KG
one month old baby weighs 6.4KG, the big guy is bigger than a 2-year-old
His mother, LaQueena Hunter Grover said strangers assumed she would give birth to triplets because of how heavy she looked during pregnancy.
She said: "People would come up to me and say, ‘Oh I think that’s twins or even triplets. Maybe there’s another hiding behind one of the babies.”
LaQueena added that her husband could not believe his eyes when he first saw their baby boy, Loyalty Adonis.
She said: “Right when the doctor was taking him out, my husband’s mouth literally just dropped,” Grover said. “He was like, ‘That’s a big baby.’ When he was born, he was 14 pounds 1 ounce. I remember the nurse came running back and when she told me that, I swear, had I not been on the gurney already, I would’ve passed out right there when she said that.”
At just a month old, little Adonis weighs nearly 15 pounds and measures 2 feet in height.
His mother said: “He acts like the Incredible Hulk when he does not get what he wants. He does not like to be wet. He likes to be changed immediately. And he wants to eat as soon as he gets hungry.”
Wow! So cute

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